
Benefits of Home as KINGDOM

Do not underestimate the power of changing your consciousness in relation to your home.

A House – is the structure.  A Home – is where you want Spirit to create with you – and dwell. Amidst the ‘things’ you choose to keep in your home.

To begin to start to think of your home as your Kingdom, invites the question:
Are you commanding your space? Or is your space commanding you? 

A home with no movement and flow. Is just a house.
It will not satisfy you. Support you. Or allow you to create what you want in your life. It can create blocks that will show up in different areas of your life.
As repeating cycles and patterns. Experiences playing out over and over again.

A Kingdom home will hold both Masculine AND Feminine energies. Unified. Balanced. Ruling together. There will be a harmony template. And a flow of creative energy, movement and beauty coupled with form, structure and a sense of space to flow, evolve and grow along with you.

Masculine energy is what brings things into form. It is the Creator energy.
It can translate into how you create with Men / Money / Manifestation / and Mission (or your relationship to what you are gifted or naturally here to do, your passion, your work, your business as well as the way you relate to the god of your own understanding).

Feminine energy is Creative. And spiritual in nature. If these two energies remain UN-UNIFIED it can become Chaos that is yet to be brought into form. It is your ideas, dreams and gifts unique to you that you find you cannot ground and anchor into your physical reality. No matter what you do. Or how much you do it.

I have found that to make a home Sacred. There is a HOME CODE that must exist within the space and field of awareness that you are living and creating with in your home. You need to notice if you are only experiencing one energy. Masculine or Feminine?

Chaos energy in the home can be experienced as this.
Losing important things, documents, unpaid bills. Owning multiple items and not actually using them or not even realising you even have more than one specific item. Clutter: digital and material. A sense of not enough space for everything to go. Stuffed drawers and cupboards. Visual overwhelm when you look around your home. Surfaces/table tops/shelves filled with “stuff ” you liked once but probably do not love anymore. And a sense of tiredness and hopelessness at the thought of getting it all in order or looking beautiful in the way you’d secretly like to have it.
And you’ll most likely experience a lack of flow, order & task completion.
You’ll experience a loss of time. A loss of money. And at times loss of control.

It will effect your wellbeing, your relationships and your peace of mind. 


You want to be open to understanding your home is your Kingdom – both within and without.

The Law of Correspondence. Change your external and your internal shifts too.

I AM on a mission to bring Women home.
To their Kingdoms. Within. And Without.

The Universe we live in is part of an animated unified field that is alive, intelligent and conscious. It operates on 3 important things.

  • Energy
  • Vibration
  • Resonance

Your home is a consciousness itself because you as a conscious being are in constant relationship with it. Just by living in it. You are part of it. And it you. 

You are sharing space with a field of awareness that is always seeking to be in harmony, creativity and co-operation with you.

  • I want you to know that you are in constant dialogue with it.
    Through your energetic signature. (your thoughts, actions, behaviours/habits and what you speak out loud).
  • Your personal vibration can be influenced by your home. And your home can influence and change your personal vibration.

Think of your home’s potential to be like a straw that can call down, descend and invite the Divine to come live with you. You can map out your home in a Sacred way and have this energy as part of your home which leads to the Divine energy being a part of YOU.

  • I teach Devotional Practices to honour the Home as Kingdom for Women.
  • I help you attune, connect and translate your Attention with Intention.

I invite you to explore making your home SACRED and HOLY. Unique to YOU.
Becoming aligned to your home. Will set you free. Will expand your consciousness. And allow you to reclaim your Sovereignty. Restoring and understanding your HOME CODE is creating with the Divinity of Masculinity.

The Importance of Clearing your Space

smudging feathersThere are many ways to clean the energy in a space, one of the oldest ways is Smudging using the sacred herb White Sage. Smudging has been used for hundreds of years to clear negative energy & influences from objects, people and spaces. Other useful tools used are the beautiful Himalayan salt crystal lamps & the angelic looking Selenite Lamps.

These can be coupled with any transformational organising session.

The Humility of your Home

Have you ever felt into your home? Tuned into it?
With NO judgement. On yourself. Or it?

Are you LIVING in your home? Or just existing in it?
Going through the motions. Don’t love it / Don’t hate it. Just indifferent.

There IS something. In the unknown. Unseen. Unheard.
Underneath all that is in your home.
That seeks to co-create with you.
Align with you. Live with you. Love you. And breathe in you.

If there is no room. No Sacred Space. No flow. No change.
It becomes a silent watcher. The Sacred Observer. Waiting. Patiently.
For you to notice. To feel. To see. To sense. To know …. at some deeper level. .
That there’s an unrequited love happening – between YOU and YOUR HOME.
This energy is so humble. So unconditional with it’s love for you. That it waits, with grace, invisibly, secretly, sacredly – for you.

Having worked privately with so many Women over the last 2 decades.
I noticed when Women do not like/love their home or a room or space that they always described feeling disconnected from it. And a part of themselves was a familiar story.

I knew it well. It was the same pattern I’ve seen many many times.
And the medicine was a simple. Small.

Act of Love. A gentle dialogue you can have with your home.

To Restore. Realign. Rekindle the spark with the Divine.
Activated. Organic. Organised. Alive.

You will need to become familiar with SACRED ORDER.

And learn the language of the Home.
What it is trying to say to you. How it sings to you. And how to activate your HOME CODE.

There is an Organic Creation template that exists in this reality.
And it is there to be claimed.

There is likewise it’s opposite – an Inorganic Creation template that also exists in this reality.

Women particularly are wired and organically templated to attune to it.
But it is often drowned out by the noise of technological distraction, consumerist distortions and unconscious programming we have unknowingly/unwillingly been exposed to. That tells us we have to live a certain way. Follow certain rules. Own certain things. And exist a certain way.

I’m here to tell you that there is another reality. An awakening of your consciousness that is connected to your home. 

Your home within. And. Your home without.
This is your Kingdom. And your inner and outer courts call you.


~ Home is where the heart is. And heart is where the home is. And the Kingdom is the path to the heart and home; reunified as one ~